
Home / Philosophy

Team Teaching:

Every educator↔child↔parent↔community will be provided the opportunity to be involved in the ongoing development of our Service and the educational program.


We will identify the needs of our children↔educators↔parents, and also children with additional needs in a positive and caring way. Providing an environment that is safe and that children feel a sense of security in.


To nurture our children by providing the appropriate Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) programs to assist their growth and development in a respectful and positive manner. Encouraging the children to Nurture their environment, ensuring a Sustainable Mother Earth.


Each year our Service will continue to develop. Our educators will continue to be upskilled. The changing needs of our children and their families will be considered and effective learning methods will be encouraged.


New friendships with children↔educators↔parents↔community will be formulated, with open communication at all times. Every interaction is an opportunity to learn.


Our Service will continue to reflect on our practices and evaluate our curriculum in a positive way using tools such as the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP).


Children will be educated through play and educational activities, remembering that play is FUN. The children shall be provided with the opportunity to develop their individual skills and knowledge to the best of their abilities by being engaged in exciting learning activities to achieve learning outcomes.


Our Service is a tapestry of children↔educators↔parents↔community working in partnership to provide the highest quality child care and mutual respect for diversity. We are committed to achieve our set goals as a caring supportive Service.