Environmental Sustainability Program

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Our commitment to environmental sustainability is through putting into practice and educating the children with the 3 R's theory:

  • Reduce - Switching off lighting and electricity items when they are not in use - ie. turning the lights and air conditioning/heating off when the children are playing outdoors. Using natural light, rather than electric lights in the office and childcare rooms.
  • Reuse - Emptying Water play containers/buckets to water plants after play.
    - Paper donated to Tiny Feet by families, is used by the children for artwork and play.
    - Reuse recyclable items for children's art and craft.
  • Recycle - Recyclable items are put in the recycle box by staff and children and then emptied into the Council's Yellow recycle bin.

Our commitment is to educate children to become more aware and make environmental sustainability second nature to them. We have a sustainable garden in the children's play area, and we encourage the children to water, collect and eat the vegetables.